We've got assurances that our crew is safe and sound and that we'll get to see them soon. -Joseph Prueher


We've got assurances that our crew is safe and sound and that we'll get to see them soon.


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This quote is just one of 9 total Joseph Prueher quotes in our collection. Joseph Prueher is known for saying 'We've got assurances that our crew is safe and sound and that we'll get to see them soon.' as well as some of the following quotes.

It's part of the past that we have between us now. We can't get away from that piece of it. So what we're hopeful of doing is perhaps using this first anniversary of it as a point from which to move forward.

Joseph Prueher

We are very eager to do that so we can reassure their families. ... those are the norms of international law, and as time goes by that gets to be a worse and worse situation.

Joseph Prueher

We are working on meetings, our communication is getting better and both our governments are working pretty hard to solve this.

Joseph Prueher

I think we'll be busy with it for the next day or so. We're trying to get it sorted out.

Joseph Prueher

The air crew did a marvelous job of saving the aircraft.

Joseph Prueher