We're providing for strong employee identification. -Jim Mcgreevey


We're providing for strong employee identification.


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This quote is just one of 8 total Jim Mcgreevey quotes in our collection. Jim Mcgreevey is known for saying 'We're providing for strong employee identification.' as well as some of the following quotes.

Because so many of our employees work in close proximity to the financial markets, we have been hard-hit by the downturn, both on the Nasdaq and the exchange.

Jim Mcgreevey

It was just two years ago that we were enjoying the benefits of the longest continuous period of economic growth in our nation's history.

Jim Mcgreevey

Excited to give the government back to the people.

Jim Mcgreevey

We had a focus in terms of providing more money for public education, a slight increase to state aid to municipalities, when other states took far more Draconian measures, in terms of reducing the school week to four days, ... Actually, some states talked about letting prisoners loose.

Jim Mcgreevey

We're providing for strong employee identification.

Jim Mcgreevey