We're looking at a lot of different options. We frankly have a lot of irons in the fire with the sheriff right now. -Richard Beck


We're looking at a lot of different options. We frankly have a lot of irons in the fire with the sheriff right now.


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This quote is just one of 7 total Richard Beck quotes in our collection. Richard Beck is known for saying 'We're looking at a lot of different options. We frankly have a lot of irons in the fire with the sheriff right now.' as well as some of the following quotes.

We're looking at a lot of different options. We frankly have a lot of irons in the fire with the sheriff right now.

Richard Beck

You name it and we're going to do it.

Richard Beck

The purchase continues to be delayed pending the outcome of the investigations.

Richard Beck

We are waiting for Republic management to update us. Until we know the facts, it's hard to speculate. The most important thing is getting a swift appraisal of what happened, how it happened, and what it means.

Richard Beck

There's a lot of [controversy] going on about these cards right now. These cards promote discounts of up to 60 percent and they are largely inaccurate.

Richard Beck