We were taken to Arkansas in trains like this. -George Takei


We were taken to Arkansas in trains like this.


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This quote is just one of 9 total George Takei quotes in our collection. George Takei is known for saying 'We were taken to Arkansas in trains like this.' as well as some of the following quotes.

We were taken to Arkansas in trains like this.

George Takei

Vierzig Jahre später erkennen wir, dass diese Utensilien auf unserem Schreibtisch daheim und bei der Arbeit wieder. In der Serie trugen wir ein fantastische Gerät, dass wir benutzen, wenn wir mit jemandem sprechen wollten. Dieses Gerät ist heute sehr realistisch und sher nervenraubend.

George Takei

I didn't want to talk about being in an internment camp, ... They would ask me, where was I? I would say I was far away...But I never went into details.

George Takei

All that was required for it to become law was the autograph of one actor.

George Takei

We are going to make a stronger, better, truer democracy....We will boldly go where America has never gone before.

George Takei