We are definitely getting another rate cut. -Lara Rhame


We are definitely getting another rate cut.


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This quote is just one of 9 total Lara Rhame quotes in our collection. Lara Rhame is known for saying 'We are definitely getting another rate cut.' as well as some of the following quotes.

We are definitely getting another rate cut.

Lara Rhame

What the current deficit does is make the dollar vulnerable. It means we could see a vicious cycle, where a declining dollar makes U.S. assets less attractive to foreign investors, which weakens our assets further, which puts further pressure on the dollar.

Lara Rhame

The global perception is the U.S. has the most to lose if there's a war in Iraq. That's made the rest of the world averse to U.S. assets. Foreign investors are looking home again.

Lara Rhame

We are seeing pretty solid export growth. You are starting to see the U.S. benefit from faster growth in Asia and the rest of the world.

Lara Rhame

We're seeing Japan aggressively acting to keep the yen steady against the dollar and stop the process of broad dollar weakness from turning into broad yen strength.

Lara Rhame