Was it a good idea or not? Was it a good idea or not? ...Be straight, Eleanor! -Rich Lowry


Was it a good idea or not? Was it a good idea or not? ...Be straight, Eleanor!


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This quote is just one of 8 total Rich Lowry quotes in our collection. Rich Lowry is known for saying 'Was it a good idea or not? Was it a good idea or not? ...Be straight, Eleanor!' as well as some of the following quotes.

The breakdown of the family.

Rich Lowry

Why aren't you answering the question? Why aren't you answering the question? Was it a mistake for Governor Blanco to do that?

Rich Lowry

The debate about the war seems pretty robust and free. Many publications, from the New Yorker to the Nation, feel perfectly comfortable printing anti-American articles and that's fine. That's what the First Amendment is all about.

Rich Lowry

You have to check out 'March of the Penguins. Penguins are the really ideal example of monogamy.

Rich Lowry

Was it a good idea or not? Was it a good idea or not? ...Be straight, Eleanor!

Rich Lowry