This is country club Christianity. -Frances Kissling


This is country club Christianity.


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This quote is just one of 7 total Frances Kissling quotes in our collection. Frances Kissling is known for saying 'This is country club Christianity.' as well as some of the following quotes.

There is very little recognition that the conscience of the woman is as important, let alone more important, than the conscience of the provider.

Frances Kissling

This is un-American. I don't think in a democratic society you can have a legally organized township that will seek to have any kind of public service whatsoever and try to restrict the constitutional rights of citizens.

Frances Kissling

The whole idea of setting up a Catholics-only town or any religious town in a pluralistic society is very disturbing.

Frances Kissling

This is country club Christianity.

Frances Kissling

The collaboration of right-wing NGOs and the Bush administration far exceeds any collaboration between pro-choice family groups and the Clinton administration. We never had that kind of hand-in-glove relationship.

Frances Kissling