This is a deserving family. -Launa Butler


This is a deserving family.


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This quote is just one of 5 total Launa Butler quotes in our collection. Launa Butler is known for saying 'This is a deserving family.' as well as some of the following quotes.

Habitat is very careful not to put a family in a home that's not ready for home ownership. There's a big difference between renting and owning a home, financially and in regards to responsibility. We would never want to set a family to fail by putting them in a position they're not ready for.

Launa Butler

She's amazing. This mom has two jobs, comes from an area of an unsafe neighborhood and she's so thrilled to raise a family in this beautiful, safe neighborhood.

Launa Butler

This is a deserving family.

Launa Butler

This is the pay day for the work and the organization all the effort - the struggles to get to this point. This is why we do it. It makes you feel like you have contributed to something magnificent, something outside yourself. That you've helped a family have an opportunity of a lifetime and how many times can you say that?

Launa Butler