There aren't many irritations to match the condescension which a woman metes out to a man who she believes has loved her vainly for the past umpteen years. -Edward Hoagland


There aren't many irritations to match the condescension which a woman metes out to a man who she believes has loved her vainly for the past umpteen years.


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This quote is just one of 9 total Edward Hoagland quotes in our collection. Edward Hoagland is known for saying 'There aren't many irritations to match the condescension which a woman metes out to a man who she believes has loved her vainly for the past umpteen years.' as well as some of the following quotes.

True solitude is a din of birdsong, seething leaves, whirling colors, or a clamor of tracks in the snow.

Edward Hoagland

Silence is exhilarating at first - as noise is - but there is a sweetness to silence outlasting exhilaration, akin to the sweetness of listening and the velvet of sleep.

Edward Hoagland

There is a time of life somewhere between the sullen fugues of adolescence and the retrenchments of middle age when human nature becomes so absolutely absorbing one wants to be in the city constantly, even at the height of summer.

Edward Hoagland

Men greet each other with a sock on the arm, women with a hug, and the hug wears better in the long run.

Edward Hoagland

Country people tend to consider that they have a corner on righteousness and to distrust most manifestations of cleverness, while people in the city are leery of righteousness but ascribe to themselves all manner of cleverness.

Edward Hoagland