The $100 million that Janus has agreed to pay and the significant reforms that it has agreed to implement reflect the seriousness with which the staff views market-timing arrangements. -Stephen Cutler


The $100 million that Janus has agreed to pay and the significant reforms that it has agreed to implement reflect the seriousness with which the staff views market-timing arrangements.


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This quote is just one of 9 total Stephen Cutler quotes in our collection. Stephen Cutler is known for saying 'The $100 million that Janus has agreed to pay and the significant reforms that it has agreed to implement reflect the seriousness with which the staff views market-timing arrangements.' as well as some of the following quotes.

This case presents a deeply troubling picture of greed and deception at a large, publicly held company.

Stephen Cutler

Looking to see whether managers are adjusting their assumptions with an eye to enhancing the earnings and balance-sheet numbers investors care about. That could be fraud.

Stephen Cutler

Destruction of documents is obviously an extremely serious matter. Documents are an essential ingredient in our investigations.

Stephen Cutler

For Xerox, the accounting function was just another revenue source and profit opportunity, ... As a result, investors were misled and betrayed.

Stephen Cutler

The $100 million that Janus has agreed to pay and the significant reforms that it has agreed to implement reflect the seriousness with which the staff views market-timing arrangements.

Stephen Cutler