Scarcely a tear to shed;Hardly a word to say;The end of a Summer's day;Sweet Love is dead. -William Allingham


Scarcely a tear to shed;Hardly a word to say;The end of a Summer's day;Sweet Love is dead.


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This quote is just one of 9 total William Allingham quotes in our collection. William Allingham is known for saying 'Scarcely a tear to shed;Hardly a word to say;The end of a Summer's day;Sweet Love is dead.' as well as some of the following quotes.

Writing is learning to say nothing, more cleverly each day.

William Allingham

But this is not my little bed;That time is far away;With strangers now I live instead,From dreary day to day.

William Allingham

Scarcely a tear to shed;Hardly a word to say;The end of a Summer's day;Sweet Love is dead.

William Allingham

Four ducks on a pond, / A grass-bank beyond, / A blue sky of spring, / White clouds on the wing: / What a little thing / To remember for years - / To remember with tears!

William Allingham

Autumn's the mellow time.

William Allingham