Prior to [Wednesday's] flight, the nose landing-gear taxi light was replaced and it appears the [nose landing-gear] door was inadvertently left open. -Amanda Tobin


Prior to [Wednesday's] flight, the nose landing-gear taxi light was replaced and it appears the [nose landing-gear] door was inadvertently left open.


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This quote is just one of 9 total Amanda Tobin quotes in our collection. Amanda Tobin is known for saying 'Prior to [Wednesday's] flight, the nose landing-gear taxi light was replaced and it appears the [nose landing-gear] door was inadvertently left open.' as well as some of the following quotes.

Prior to [Wednesday's] flight, the nose landing-gear taxi light was replaced and it appears the [nose landing-gear] door was inadvertently left open.

Amanda Tobin

We're not able to respond to something we haven't yet received.

Amanda Tobin

Our initial investigations of each incident has found different root causes for each one, which would not indicate a systemic issue.

Amanda Tobin

Each has been due to a different root cause, which would suggest this is not a systemic issue.

Amanda Tobin

Alaska Airlines takes this extremely seriously, and we are aggressively investigating this situation to understand the root cause and to take additional action to prevent this from reoccurring.

Amanda Tobin