More cells require more resources but also result in more precise output. The scalability of the Grid allows a user to run calculations on one million cells or tens of millions of cells - much more than most parallel computing systems can handle. -Norberto Fueyo


More cells require more resources but also result in more precise output. The scalability of the Grid allows a user to run calculations on one million cells or tens of millions of cells - much more than most parallel computing systems can handle.


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This quote is just one of 2 total Norberto Fueyo quotes in our collection. Norberto Fueyo is known for saying 'More cells require more resources but also result in more precise output. The scalability of the Grid allows a user to run calculations on one million cells or tens of millions of cells - much more than most parallel computing systems can handle.' as well as some of the following quotes.

More cells require more resources but also result in more precise output. The scalability of the Grid allows a user to run calculations on one million cells or tens of millions of cells - much more than most parallel computing systems can handle.

Norberto Fueyo

There is a vast market of users out there who only need to use CFD applications occasionally and it makes no sense for them to acquire high performance processing systems.

Norberto Fueyo