It's difficult to meet new friends when you get older. -Bob Larson


It's difficult to meet new friends when you get older.


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This quote is just one of 9 total Bob Larson quotes in our collection. Bob Larson is known for saying 'It's difficult to meet new friends when you get older.' as well as some of the following quotes.

Hopefully we are giving a message to people that this kind of conduct, partys, serving alcohol to minors, things like that, will be investigated thoroughly, ... If appropriate, charges will be filed against those individuals.

Bob Larson

Basically, if it goes where it is now, it will have no impact on where you are (in Wisconsin).

Bob Larson

It's something totally unique that no baseball team has done before.

Bob Larson

It's difficult to meet new friends when you get older.

Bob Larson

Our social life has definitely picked up.

Bob Larson