It's a very different type of activity than what you would have if you had somebody worried about an agriculture issue. -Tom Mccoy


It's a very different type of activity than what you would have if you had somebody worried about an agriculture issue.

-Tom Mccoy


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This quote is just one of 9 total Tom Mccoy quotes in our collection. Tom Mccoy is known for saying 'It's a very different type of activity than what you would have if you had somebody worried about an agriculture issue.' as well as some of the following quotes.

Every day I'm learning new things (about Mt. Carmel) . . . I keep in mind I don't have all the answers. I know you can often find the best solutions by listening to people.

Tom Mccoy

It will be a little dusty this year, but there will be a great end product.

Tom Mccoy

I'm getting to know the culture and doing a lot of listening, ... I'm here to become part of the organization.

Tom Mccoy

I liked being on a team and that sense of accomplishment of working and winning together.

Tom Mccoy

It's a very different type of activity than what you would have if you had somebody worried about an agriculture issue.

Tom Mccoy