It really can put our clients in danger. It also opens up confidentiality - we have women here who are hiding and we just have to be really careful not to expose them to any harm. -Maggie Jones


It really can put our clients in danger. It also opens up confidentiality - we have women here who are hiding and we just have to be really careful not to expose them to any harm.


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This quote is just one of 9 total Maggie Jones quotes in our collection. Maggie Jones is known for saying 'It really can put our clients in danger. It also opens up confidentiality - we have women here who are hiding and we just have to be really careful not to expose them to any harm.' as well as some of the following quotes.

One of the dilemmas domestic violence agencies have been facing for awhile is the fact that there are not enough beds.

Maggie Jones

It really can put our clients in danger. It also opens up confidentiality - we have women here who are hiding and we just have to be really careful not to expose them to any harm.

Maggie Jones

The community would come by and give us clothes for the women. We were getting such a large amount of clothing donations we just couldn't hold all of it - we had no storage space.

Maggie Jones

For our shelter to have to open its doors - it's a huge liability. You don't realize how small the world is.

Maggie Jones

This was sooner than we had anticipated. The need in the community has been so great that we knew we couldn't wait and when we learned the HSSC had additional funds, we applied for them.

Maggie Jones