I've had a great career up until now, and I'm trying to kind of take the reigns. Unfortunately, I've seen so many actors who reach a certain prominence, and then they do a couple of films that don't get accepted by the public or are critically panned and the next thing you know, they're out the door. -Bill Paxton


I've had a great career up until now, and I'm trying to kind of take the reigns. Unfortunately, I've seen so many actors who reach a certain prominence, and then they do a couple of films that don't get accepted by the public or are critically panned and the next thing you know, they're out the door.


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This quote is just one of 9 total Bill Paxton quotes in our collection. Bill Paxton is known for saying 'I've had a great career up until now, and I'm trying to kind of take the reigns. Unfortunately, I've seen so many actors who reach a certain prominence, and then they do a couple of films that don't get accepted by the public or are critically panned and the next thing you know, they're out the door.' as well as some of the following quotes.

God, I admire Steve Martin.

Bill Paxton

He walked up, took the yardage chart from his pocket. Examined it, didn't even look back as the caddy handed him his four iron, then he hit it a mile.

Bill Paxton

The Greatest Game Ever Played.

Bill Paxton

When you start out as a filmmaker, you do parodies, because you can't really compete on a studio level.

Bill Paxton

I support the troops. This is tough time right now. I think a lot of people in our industry are afraid to speak out. I had a drink with Sean Penn the other night. He went over to baghdad in December just to see for himself what was going on. And that guy is as American as anybody I ever met.

Bill Paxton