I'm a 60-year-old woman. How dare he be disrespectful to an elder. I can't tell you how disappointed I am because I really like him and I really respect him. But false pride goes before the fall, so I'm certain that God will cause him to have to answer for the unkind lies that he's telling about Radio One. The things that he's saying are just absolutely, positively ridiculous. -Cathy Hughes


I'm a 60-year-old woman. How dare he be disrespectful to an elder. I can't tell you how disappointed I am because I really like him and I really respect him. But false pride goes before the fall, so I'm certain that God will cause him to have to answer for the unkind lies that he's telling about Radio One. The things that he's saying are just absolutely, positively ridiculous.


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This quote is just one of 3 total Cathy Hughes quotes in our collection. Cathy Hughes is known for saying 'I'm a 60-year-old woman. How dare he be disrespectful to an elder. I can't tell you how disappointed I am because I really like him and I really respect him. But false pride goes before the fall, so I'm certain that God will cause him to have to answer for the unkind lies that he's telling about Radio One. The things that he's saying are just absolutely, positively ridiculous.' as well as some of the following quotes.

We're constantly striving at The Times and Democrat to provide information to our readers that is timely and useful and valuable. That includes news and advertising ... anything that makes life easier and better for the residents of The T&D Region.

Cathy Hughes

Of course the incident will attract the attention of the Cricket World Cup security personnel. What an incident like this also does is to undermine all the hard work that we do over a long period to promote this country's tourism product.

Cathy Hughes