I got to a place in my personal life that I had to call the counselor I had been referring my members to. Now I needed a place on the couch. -Gary Allen


I got to a place in my personal life that I had to call the counselor I had been referring my members to. Now I needed a place on the couch.


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This quote is just one of 9 total Gary Allen quotes in our collection. Gary Allen is known for saying 'I got to a place in my personal life that I had to call the counselor I had been referring my members to. Now I needed a place on the couch.' as well as some of the following quotes.

Martha had a very good time.

Gary Allen

It's unbelievable . . . As I told Martha's people, the marathon event is as hot as it's ever been, and very popular among people of all abilities. Having someone like Martha involved is great for the sport and great for her company.

Gary Allen

I don't generally go to a club because I want to go 'clubbin', ... but in England, all pubs close at 11:00 p.m., so I go to clubs because I want to drink later in the evening.

Gary Allen

I got to a place in my personal life that I had to call the counselor I had been referring my members to. Now I needed a place on the couch.

Gary Allen

The developer has met all the requests and conditions that we've asked. All the issues that you brought up at our meeting, he's basically addressed those, and in my opinion gone above and beyond as far as putting out extra work and expending money out of his pocket to try to help accommodate people who are in a low-lying area.

Gary Allen