He's been out in the community for 42 years. -Jennifer Faliero


He's been out in the community for 42 years.


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This quote is just one of 9 total Jennifer Faliero quotes in our collection. Jennifer Faliero is known for saying 'He's been out in the community for 42 years.' as well as some of the following quotes.

He's been out in the community for 42 years.

Jennifer Faliero

This is very difficult. We try to do the best we can.

Jennifer Faliero

I do not like to force property owners to go to different schools simply because of new growth. Let people do it on a voluntary basis.

Jennifer Faliero

We have to have a game plan to move forward.

Jennifer Faliero

When so many working parents rely on child care and single parents have no means, no family, safe transportation is our responsibility.

Jennifer Faliero