He's a man of immense artistic talents masquerading as a down-home boy. -Paul Mariani


He's a man of immense artistic talents masquerading as a down-home boy.


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This quote is just one of 5 total Paul Mariani quotes in our collection. Paul Mariani is known for saying 'He's a man of immense artistic talents masquerading as a down-home boy.' as well as some of the following quotes.

He's a man of immense artistic talents masquerading as a down-home boy.

Paul Mariani

And what was there over against that? The marriages of two of my sons, and Paul's new life as a young priest. Then the arrival of grandchildren, ... serving me imaginary tea.

Paul Mariani

I think Barry is a good foil for my poems. He's dark, gritty, unrelenting, but a real searcher too. A veritable Kierkegaardian figure, one of the most devout agnostics (his word) I know.

Paul Mariani

Lyric poetry is by its very nature elegiac - we write about what in fact is already slipping away from us.

Paul Mariani