He doesn't want ... people who want to destabilize to use that as an excuse. -Jean-bertrand Aristide


He doesn't want ... people who want to destabilize to use that as an excuse.


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This quote is just one of 9 total Jean-bertrand Aristide quotes in our collection. Jean-bertrand Aristide is known for saying 'He doesn't want ... people who want to destabilize to use that as an excuse.' as well as some of the following quotes.

I confirm my commitment to the points made (in the document), confident that they will help strengthen the ties between our two nations where democracy and peace will flourish.

Jean bertrand Aristide

The international community wants us to accept a proposal that, if we were to accept, would mean the end to the opposition.

Jean bertrand Aristide

If we wish to maintain peace, then we cannot accept that impunity be provided to these international criminals and drug dealers.

Jean bertrand Aristide

In order for peace to reign, one must speak the truth, and that is why I have spoken of a political abduction, ... ... Far from my own country, but in deep communion with all Haitians, including Haitians abroad, I continue to launch an appeal for peaceful resistance.

Jean bertrand Aristide

Chopped down the tree of peace, but it will grow again.

Jean bertrand Aristide