Generally it's a good idea, but you need to comparison shop to make sure you get a good deal. -Stephen Brobeck


Generally it's a good idea, but you need to comparison shop to make sure you get a good deal.


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This quote is just one of 9 total Stephen Brobeck quotes in our collection. Stephen Brobeck is known for saying 'Generally it's a good idea, but you need to comparison shop to make sure you get a good deal.' as well as some of the following quotes.

It prevents credit unions from extending their services to small employee groups.

Stephen Brobeck

Most Americans are now aware of the consumer debt trap and the need to build wealth, but don't believe they can do so.

Stephen Brobeck

If consumers would simply maintain the minimum balance requirement, they wouldn't get hit with monthly fees and wouldn't bounce checks. You want to find a bank that has a minimum balance requirement you can meet.

Stephen Brobeck

Generally it's a good idea, but you need to comparison shop to make sure you get a good deal.

Stephen Brobeck

Check the terms and conditions, particularly the grace period and fee levels -- whether or not there's an annual fee -- and interest rates.

Stephen Brobeck