Business appears increasingly concerned that further weakness is in prospect. The Reserve Bank is very much on hold, weighing the higher inflation reality against the prospect of further slowing in domestic demand and a mild deterioration in the labor market. -Alan Oster


Business appears increasingly concerned that further weakness is in prospect. The Reserve Bank is very much on hold, weighing the higher inflation reality against the prospect of further slowing in domestic demand and a mild deterioration in the labor market.


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This quote is just one of 9 total Alan Oster quotes in our collection. Alan Oster is known for saying 'Business appears increasingly concerned that further weakness is in prospect. The Reserve Bank is very much on hold, weighing the higher inflation reality against the prospect of further slowing in domestic demand and a mild deterioration in the labor market.' as well as some of the following quotes.

Business appears increasingly concerned that further weakness is in prospect. The Reserve Bank is very much on hold, weighing the higher inflation reality against the prospect of further slowing in domestic demand and a mild deterioration in the labor market.

Alan Oster

For 2001, we expect [Japanese] growth of marginally less than 1 percent.

Alan Oster

The near-term inflation outlook will cause the Reserve Bank some short term concern.

Alan Oster

Oil-sensitive sectors continue to weaken, led down by retailing, wholesaling and transport.

Alan Oster

The story is one of continuing boom conditions in mining and very strong nonresidential construction activity, ... The Reserve Bank is still very much on hold, watching both the inflation outlook and domestic demand.

Alan Oster