[2. Buy local, local, local. Purchasing food and other items made locally means buying products that have used less gas to be taken to stores.] The major sources of emissions in this country are transportation and electricity production, ... If you're eating locally grown food, there's less transportation involved in taking that food to you. -Brendan Bell


[2. Buy local, local, local. Purchasing food and other items made locally means buying products that have used less gas to be taken to stores.] The major sources of emissions in this country are transportation and electricity production, ... If you're eating locally grown food, there's less transportation involved in taking that food to you.


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This quote is just one of 9 total Brendan Bell quotes in our collection. Brendan Bell is known for saying '[2. Buy local, local, local. Purchasing food and other items made locally means buying products that have used less gas to be taken to stores.] The major sources of emissions in this country are transportation and electricity production, ... If you're eating locally grown food, there's less transportation involved in taking that food to you.' as well as some of the following quotes.

The big problem is we did not make the right decisions 10 years ago.

Brendan Bell

[2. Buy local, local, local. Purchasing food and other items made locally means buying products that have used less gas to be taken to stores.] The major sources of emissions in this country are transportation and electricity production, ... If you're eating locally grown food, there's less transportation involved in taking that food to you.

Brendan Bell

In the post-Katrina new energy reality, I think there is going to be a full court press, as it should be, that gas needs to get to market.

Brendan Bell

We need to make sure there is some tangible progress in November.

Brendan Bell

We know there are no quick fixes.

Brendan Bell