5 quotes about wobbles follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

But there is still room for loops and wobbles. It's really too early to say for sure where it'll go.

Jack Beven

Right now, where the storm is tracking, its effect (on Central Florida) will be pretty minimal. But we know how these things can wobble. If it wobbles a bit north of the current path, that could bring us in more rainfall.

Michele Cimino

It wasn't one of our greatest meets. We fell all over the beam and had plenty of wobbles.

Lindsay Teisl

The kids did very well in terms of what we could do without Violette. We had to patch together with what we had. We did a great job on vault and a good job on floor. We had a few wobbles and difficulties on beam and the bars, but I think missing Violette probably made us a little apprehensive. Overall, it was good we were able to stay in close with them.

Greg Beaupre

My spelling is Wobbly. It's good spelling but it Wobbles, and the letters get in the wrong places.

A. A. Milne