13 quotes about winery follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We've tried to do as much as we can to make this a fun opportunity for people to celebrate the season and get to know the winery, ... We hope the Stomp makes it a little different.

Mark Hollingsworth

The tourists used to go down to Sancerre (in the Loire region) for the weekend, taste wines and buy for their cellar, ... Now they can't do that anymore. The cops are right outside the winery ... (Vintners) feel betrayed, these people who have devoted their lives to something they think is beautiful. Now they're told it's criminal.

Kermit Lynch

If you are making a product to sell to a winery, you absolutely have to be there. Everyone in the wine industry is going to be there. It's going to be a full two days of nonstop meetings and talking with customers.

Jeff Sherman

We toured the winery. That was really interesting, and I think almost all of the ladies bought a bottle of wine.

Libby Johnson

It's likely that some of those acts will end up at Marymoor or the winery.

Dave Littrell

What we have discovered is that it is very hard to survive as a little Mom and Pop winery. And we knew we had to come up with a lot of different ideas to make the business successful. You had to get bigger.

Donna Mollet

A beautiful building, an eye-catching building, will draw people in to experience that wine. ... A potential customer leaves the winery with a wonderful feeling for the whole facility.

Andy Hall

I was of the opinion, as were others in his winery, that he should not use the name Gallo, because it was known for medium priced, uh, medium quality wine.

Marvin Shenkin

[Jim Carter of the South Coast Winery came up with the idea for a fundraiser and met with people from local wineries before the Labor Day weekend.] We just had one of the greatest tragedies in the nation, ... It's so enormous.

Jim Carter

We'll make a good product. This is going to be a high-end winery.

Chris Pearmund

It was a very big year. The biggest problem was having enough space inside the winery to ferment everything exactly when you wanted.

Tom Shelton

This is terrible publicity. I hope it doesn't have any lasting impact on my winery. And to be attacked personally and viciously for something I have nothing to do with is very upsetting.

Sally Kimsey

I don't think a bottle line supervisor at any winery anywhere should be a salaried employee, and this should send some ripples though the industry.

James Geagan