5 quotes about wanda follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

[The social worker began to read from the appendix and at that point Wanda realized what had happened.] I said I copied this word for word from this book, ... For the first second I was really upset. But then I realized that it was something that I could clear up so easily.

Wanda Young

Wanda came bringing in a six-foot live Christmas tree for us and it was already decorated. That was a blessing to us. We just thank God every day for bringing us through the storm and we thank Him for everyone who has given us clothes, food, support and prayers. One day, we'll go back to New Orleans and repair our house. It's home, but living here is the next best thing.

Dolores Scott

Wanda is a tremendous talent. Image has firmly established itself as a leading producer and distributor of comedy content, and we are thrilled to be able to add Wanda Sykes to our comedy family.

Barry Gordon

He walked around in white robes. He called himself a prophet. ... Wanda, who was with him, they would beg down there. A lot of people knew who he was.

Tom Smart

I'd just let Wanda say anything she wanted to say. It was great because crew members who weren't even working would show up just to see what she was doing.

Robert Luketic