10 quotes about variants follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

We think this will be the first of many common variants that cause obesity.

Alan Herbert

We don't know what these new variants do. But they might confer a selective advantage by improving cognitive abilities. This needs to be confirmed.

Bruce T. Lahn

Excuse me? Microsoft's history is largely about developing (or buying) and then aggressively marketing sometimes-improved variants of other people's ideas. As long as there's competition, Microsoft makes products that are just good enough or cheap enough to stifle it. Then it rests on its laurels and moves on to rework other ideas it didn't originate.

Stephen Manes

It is impossible to ignore the fact that each of these variants generates numerous infections and therefore the total number of zombie computers could reach hundreds of thousands.

Luis Corrons

Gene delivery is complicated because it's difficult for us to know how to change the properties of the virus. So, in this study, we did it the same way nature does it. By using random mutation, we were able to get about 10 million different variants. Now, we have a lot of versions of the virus to choose from. And we've selected about a half dozen of them that we are focusing on.

David Schaffer

The Mytob worms have made a significant impact on the virus outbreak charts this year, so anything which may prevent future variants from being developed and released must be welcomed.

Graham Cluley

We did reverse engineering on the variants, and found this date in the code. The way this works is that at a pre-determined time, computers already infected with Sober will connect with specified servers and download a new payload, which will likely be spammed out in the millions, as was the last version.

Ken Dunham

In a very short period of time, this class of variants arose from a single copy to many copies. That implies that this must have happened because of positive selection.

Bruce T. Lahn

This virus tends to stick to tissue rather than move through it, so when we inject it into an organ like the brain, for instance, it tends to stay there. To be successful, we need the virus to move and spread through the body. So, we have evolved variants [of the virus] that have less stickiness to tissue.

David Schaffer

When it comes to media processing, there's a need for maximum flexibility in order to address the widest possible range of customers. There is no one form factor that addresses all requirements, so vendors that are supporting all major platforms and offering both hardware and software variants are in a better position to meet all the emerging market needs in this dynamic sector.

Graham Finnie