6 quotes about unrecognized follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The key is it has been an unrecognized and untargeted market.

Holly Davis

We, as a community, are lucky to have her. She has individually notched up the level of care in Pensacola. She is an unrecognized asset to this community.

Dr. Rex Northup

A nice thing about children's books, though I'm probably alone in this opinion among people who write and publish them, is that they did get to be in this unrecognized ghetto for a long time.

Daniel Handler

She was an unrecognized, great figure of history. I wanted to make her more recognizable.

Steve Lambert

He was a quiet ground-breaker, ... Many of his accomplishments go unrecognized because he did things in a quiet way.

Harry Pachon

There is quite a proportion of myocardial infarctions (heart attacks) that is clinically unrecognized by the patient him or herself, but also by the medical system. We know from other research that unattended myocardial infarctions do have prognostic implications in the sense of lower life expectancy.

Eric Boersma