7 quotes about unopposed follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

These supervisors have been running unopposed for years. They feel they can really do anything because they just get voted in year after year.

Claudia Little

These supervisors have been running unopposed, and they (feel) they can do anything they want. They're insulated ... and their attitude is just arrogance. We need to stop this dangerous activity of them not listening to their constituents.

Claudia Little

We appear before the Supreme Court - who in their right mind would want to poke their finger in the eye of the next chief justice? Based on what we know, this is not a nominee that we can let go by unopposed.

Theodore M. Shaw

Reagan won because he ran against Jimmy Carter. If he ran unopposed he would have lost.

Mort Sahl

I have nothing against him. I just don't think a candidate should run unopposed – especially for a position as important as this.

David Appel

The big part of the settlement for us ... is that all these dairies are getting their expansion permits, unopposed by the city of Waco.

Jim Bradbury

Ford has been able to run essentially unopposed. All through the strike GM's main concern was the new pickup rolling out on time. They're pledging to return to 31 percent of market share. By October, (GM's) sales should be up to more realistic levels.

James Kelleher