4 quotes about turnarounds follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

That was the key point. There was everything in this match, a lot of turnarounds, but I knew how to capitalize on my chances.

Guillermo Coria

OfficeMax's turnaround plan focuses on the investment necessary to enhance the productivity of its underperforming assets, banal but essential areas such as infrastructure, logistics and systems. Effective turnarounds focus on these areas, rather than on driving short-term sales.

Matthew Fassler

So we're in the twilight zone of gas pricing before the spring turnarounds. This time of the year, we usually see the lowest prices.

Charles Langley

We did a hell of a job on her. Those shots she made weren't easy ones, either. They weren't 3-foot turnarounds, they were 10-footers.

Chad Lavin