12 quotes about trickles follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I'm very grateful to have this. It's funny. I was talking to friends who work in offices and they're complaining about all the stuff like candy and chocolate that trickles in during the holidays, and I just went to my doctor to get a fat supplement.

James Nash

They know she is a good player. She knows they look up to her, and look to her for confidence. If she plays well, if she's confident, it seems like it trickles down across the board.

Jeremy Burk

They need to know about the watershed. What better way to understand it than to be immersed into that environment? Kids who live along the creek show an interest and that trickles into their family.

Brian Suter

We're not supervised. We're sort of allowed, like an independent filmmaker, to do what we want. You don't get that freedom anywhere else. And this is the only studio outside of Disney, when Walt Disney ran it, where an artist runs the whole place. Here, it's John Lasseter, and that trickles down.

Andrew Stanton

I think everything trickles down. It starts at the big leagues, and then it comes into college. Whatever goes on in college usually starts creeping into high school stuff ? all the good stuff and the bad.

Brad Myers

(It was) the fact that he had to keep secrets -- and I became a secret-keeper, ... You can't really marginalize or ghettoize a whole sector of the population, because it forces people into a life of shame. That, of course, trickles down.

Libba Bray

If you keep your thumb over the opening so that just a little trickles out, you can take a shower with three 12-ounce bottles. But it takes six bottles if you want to wash your hair.

Donald Bordelon

We're seeing a lot more groups of users who participate in online forums. Word spreads quite quickly among them, and then trickles out. It works in a positive way when products are doing well, but can also have a detrimental affect.

Ian Fogg

He's more mature. He's taken this leadership role really seriously. He's carrying himself like he's a leader. He comes in with the play; he's confident that it's going to work. It also trickles down on us.

Brian Clark

Those guys set the tone, and it trickles down to the rest of us. The cohesiveness we have, that's the difference-maker. In all the years we've done well, that's been the difference.

Verron Haynes

If all he does is some jail time and doesn't make restitution, then the victims just continue to suffer. I think the odds of us seeing something are pretty good because I have a hard time believing he is completely destitute. But we are not the only victims. How much of that trickles back to us remains to be seen.

Pete Agostino

It's our theory that everything trickles down from there, ... That if you have high salaries, good conditions, you have good support. You have a lot of communication between teachers, you pay for teachers' supplemental training, and the students learn.

Dave Eggers