Really, the investment off-take is continuing unabated. It's crazy. There's a lot of traditionally positive gold news out there at the moment.

Bernard Hunter

It is a little better than the current formula, but Sen. Graham still has concerns. South Carolina and other Sunbelt states have traditionally been left behind when it comes to votes like these.

Kevin Bishop

The survey shows a gradual decrease in drug trends that began about four years ago. Drug trends, which have traditionally been higher than medical trends, are now almost the same. However, we anticipate drug trends to grow again in the next several years, due to the introduction of new innovative therapies into the marketplace.

Michael Jacobs

There is a heavy use of neutral colors and smoky tones. People are being more cautious, and neutral colors have traditionally provided the backbone of a wardrobe.

Leatrice Eiseman

We've got several special events that we have planned during the weekend she is here - a couple of surprises where she'll pop up in different areas of the park. We're trying to do things a little differently than we have traditionally done.

Pete Owens

If I'm one of the investors that got in early, I'm going to take some off the table, ... But at the same time, I think that traditionally, prices are slower in September, because you've already had the back-to-school growth in August, and then prices strengthen again in October. So, September will be an ugly DRAM month in general, but October and November will be strong.

Eric Ross

Women's teams have traditionally performed at levels a bit higher than men's teams academically, so that's not surprising. African-American student-athletes (male and female) are doing better academically than in the past.

Erik Christianson

I'm believing that the greatest displacement occurs among those who are traditionally Democratic voters.

Elliott Stonecipher

About 15% to 20% of patients have emotional or psychological needs that have not been adequately dealt with. We have been so focused on disease treatment that those important elements have traditionally been given lower priority.

Ellen R. Gritz

These groups are basically a family of people that have been traditionally supporters of, or closely aligned with, trial lawyers nationally and in Illinois.

Ed Murnane

It's either the owner of the company or an office manager or controller—someone who traditionally has a non-technical background. Most of the time when we walk into a new client, whatever backup system they have in place isn't adequate, even though they thought it was.

Zachary Schuler