15 quotes about touchy follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It can be a touchy issue for some people.

David Gray

Is a very touchy area for lawyers.

John Gleason

The whole copyright issue is very touchy, especially on the Internet. In the real world, people don't steal things and just not think about it. It's much more of an afterthought on the Internet.

Max Goldberg

It is a touchy subject. But in any industry there is a surplus of unusable goods. What do you do with them?

Buster Brown

The ankle is very touchy. We don't wanna rush anything.

Rich Conover

I don't think he's touched a soccer ball since the first time he picked up a stick. Actually, that's getting to be a touchy subject, since lacrosse is a new sport in the area.

Joe Hutchinson

Buildings for government are always touchy. People are very mindful of how we spend are tax dollars.

Betsy Williams

While this is a good alternative, these bullets are not available on the market. We have to be careful how we approach this. It is a touchy subject and we don't want people to think we are shoving something down their throats.

Greg Austin

When the Bar Association says they are looking to regulate attorney advertising for the purpose of controlling the public's perception of the profession, they can get into some pretty touchy areas. In some ways the whole notion of doing that seems dangerous and misguided.

Paul Rapp

We're not living in the middle of that every day. It's life. There are folks in Baton Rouge who are having to deal with circumstances that hopefully none of us will ever have to deal with personally. That's what makes it touchy.

Mike Hamilton

Many kids come to school already disconnected, apathetic or alienated, and the only way you can overcome that is to give these kids a sense of being connected, a sense of being cared about. It sounds a little touchy-feely, and it is, but it's important.

Thomas Toch

People are, if anything, more touchy about being thought silly than they are about being thought unjust.

E. B. White

Unfortunately, discussing spending can be such a touchy topic that many couples simply avoid it all together.

Rhonda Katz

This is a touchy-feely case. This is not an egregious kind of physical contact.

Daniel Davis

She did admit that she has done drugs, but when we really got into talking about specifics she became extremely rattled about it and it is obviously a very touchy subject for her.

Evgenia Peretz