3 quotes about timekeeping follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Evidence is emerging that disruption of one's circadian clock is associated with cancer in humans, and that interference with internal timekeeping can tip the balance in favor of tumor development.

David Blask

If the link between light exposure and cancer risk can be confirmed, it could have an immediate impact on the production and use of artificial lighting in this country. This might include lighting with a wavelength and intensity that does not disrupt melatonin levels and internal timekeeping.

David Blask

Daily rhythms regulated by biological clocks shape our lives in important ways, affecting a wide range of functions including sleep, body temperature, cognitive ability, mood and sensitivity to drugs. Because these timekeeping processes have been highly conserved through evolution, what we learn from flies and other organisms often helps us better understand the same systems in higher organisms.

Paul Taghert