8 quotes about thresholds follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The relaxation procedure helped both groups cope with pain. Additionally, our tests showed both groups had higher physical pain thresholds after the relaxation session. But the obese participants still had a lower threshold for tolerating the pain.

Charles Emery

To the extent that it pushes all your other assets over those thresholds, now you're paying a 50 percent tax.

Bill Abrams

If a company like IBM signed an exclusive deal but blew its sales thresholds, would Sun really pay the same price for the technology, knowing that its competitor has a year's head start? You don't want to trade too much for that large company support.

John Hession

Raising profit thresholds are in line with the regulator's pledge to help good-quality companies raise capital and upgrade market fundamentals. Investors will be glad to see the market shutting its doors to poor performers.

Li Zhi

It's a big effort and just talking about existing thresholds and how to implement what it is we've been working on, there's just a lot of numbers. It will be a lot to get through.

John Singlaub

Some of the thresholds are a little high. But given the fears of some communities, we needed them that high. They needed that level of comfort.

Sen. Brooks Mccabe

Some of our schools didn't meet the AYP criteria because they are large and ethnically more diverse, and they had to cross more thresholds.

Sue Olds

What we're doing is essentially the reverse of what a protocol analyzer does. A protocol analyzer examines the network for behavior or code that's out of line with standards or thresholds. Our security analyzer actually creates paths that are out of line with the protocols to identify vulnerabilities that may not have been detected yet.

Ajit Sancheti