5 quotes about terrorized follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

If I were George W. Bush, I would be terrorized by the eyes of those scruffy-looking veterans, the so-called band of brothers, volunteering for duty with the Kerry campaign. They look like men with scores to settle.

Tom Hayden

This gang has terrorized that community for decades. We're happy to help the community by taking some key players off the street.

Joe Ford

People are being terrorized by federal police working hand-in-glove with local officials and militias.

Peter Takirambudde

From the age of about five to twelve I was very bad, a hideous little terror who beat people up. I was a member of the Rough Gang - we went around and terrorized all the pupils in school.

Joseph Fiennes

The only violence was when these so-called 'freedom fighters' terrorized the poor Africans in the villages... They were told what to do and who to support.

Adrian Smith