12 quotes about tempe follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Being over at the Tempe campus, there are just so many things going on -- good and negative -- that they end up falling into different lifestyle changes that they are not used to back home.

Miranda Strong

It's a good day for Tempe.

Mayor Hugh Hallman

In the Southwest, (Mesa, Gilbert, Chandler and Tempe included) we were very impressed overall with the level of growth in cycling and the level of enthusiasm for it in the communities.

Loren Mooney

This is the best season Buena's ever had. It's crushing it had to end like this. Everyone thought we would be traveling up to (Tempe) Saturday and to lose like this is really crushing.

Shannon Doctor

There's no question that Tempe and Chandler are on their last legs from the point of view of available land. What the future holds is primarily infill and high-density housing.

Carl Brown

And there is a difference between the neighborhoods in south Tempe near Circle G Ranch and the neighborhoods near University and McClintock.

Mike Gardner

We hope my readers will get a kick out of that and realize that it's another manifestation of Tempe, and they are in on this inside joke.

Kathy Reichs

Tempe needs its own noise-monitoring system.

David Swanson

Mesa has got a whole lot more custom homes than Tempe or Chandler, all those orange-grove homes, ... There are tons of acre and acre-and-a-half home sites that are reasonably priced.

Mike Foley

I think we were capable of playing better. I think the extra two days off hurt us in some ways, but we're going to Tempe.

Ken Cormier

Now, I think it will be the hottest property around. The next five years or 10 years is going to be the most exciting time to be participating in Scottsdale all the way down to Tempe.

John Berry

It was hot and humid, running around the lake at Kiwanis Park, but it has been hot in Wickenburg also, where we practice. We did OK, but finishing behind Valley Christian (girls) and Tempe Prep (boys) after we had beaten them earlier shows that it was not our day to shine.

Doug Clementz