7 quotes about tectonic follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

'Plans' sounds like a Death Cab record. Atlantic wasn't sending it to marketing groups to test for hits or have reps crawling all over the studio. They still call us pretty regularly to get our opinion on things and seem to be concerned that the transition doesn't involve some tectonic shift in what has brought the band success so far.

Josh Rosenfeld

The political tectonic plates that divide the Taiwan Strait are shifting, and they are not moving closer toward each other.

Daniel Blumenthal

The tectonic plates of Israeli politics are moving to the center, ... Because Sharon could speak to both the right and the left, he could carry out this almost impossible mission of disengagement.

Raanan Gissin

We're talking about 50,000 times that of plate tectonic motion.

Xiaodong Song

In labs, we've examined the geometric reason for why there are ... tectonic plates underneath the earth's surface. It's supposed to be very interactive.

Idris Stovall

You have cultural tectonic plates bumping up against each other here.

Patric Hedlund

We think there's a tectonic shift coming. With a finite supply of fossil fuels, over time the price of conventional energy will increase, allowing some of these alternatives to come in.

Tim Draper