11 quotes about taxis follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

General aviation is growing. They're starting to move away from big hubs. There will be changes in air service, more contact with air taxis. We want to be on the cutting edge. We think what Bob will accomplish that.

Gene Cisewski

The general intent of the MSA was to limit exposure and we've complied by pulling our ads off taxis, T-shirts, buses and billboards, ... But we have the right to communicate with adults about our product in magazines that are read by a majority of adults.

Jan Smith

By December 2006 we intend to scrap the 10 000 oldest taxis in South Africa.

Jeff Radebe

No nice men are good at getting taxis.

Katharine Whitehorn

The extent to which the disruption is being felt by passengers is minimal at this point because there's been enough taxis from outside operators making pickups.

Rob Yingling

School buses aren't taxis. You can't run them on demand. And when kids want to go to the mall or to a job, that's an issue.

Robin Leeds

Their ideological argument that government shouldn't do anything the private sector does makes about as much sense as saying there should be no public transportation because we have taxis. It's a community decision.

Adina Levin

The five of us were able to get taxis at two in the morning Sunday. We got to the airport. Had we been any longer the interstates would have been clogged, we would have missed our flights.

Susan Maher

The most difficult part of the trip was the logistics - planes, trains, a rental car, taxis, buses, subways, lots of walking, we did it all.

Lamar Hunt

We had convoys bringing refugees back to the Houston convention center, then taxis to take them home.

Earl Lambert

We received overwhelming support from transport operators but there were concerns voiced by taxi representatives. One of their main apprehensions was that there are so many taxi associations that it will be difficult to come up with single fare system for taxis.

Zwelakhe Mayaba