4 quotes about tarps follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

It doesn't look that bad from the outside. But inside, the water damage is incredible. The fire department was just awesome. After the fire was out, they went in and pulled down family pictures and moved wood furniture to less wet places and put tarps over it.

Karl Buch

All you could see was the blue roofs with tarps over them. At a gated community down the road from us, you used to not be able to see any houses because of all the trees. There weren't any trees left.

Nicole Busby

There's an awful lot of need ... Picture being out camping and the needs there: batteries, tents, tarps, cots, air mattresses, sleeping bags.

John Boyd

[Currently pedestrians cannot cross between South and North streets at the Main street intersection due to tunnel work.] We've been covering the equipment with black tarps [when construction work is not underway] to lessen the impact, ... Out of sight, out of mind.

Tom Carroll