4 quotes about tancredo follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Their painstaking progress on winning Latino voters is in jeopardy because the face of the (Republican) party on this issue is Tom Tancredo. They are caught between their base and their desire to do something reasonable.

Frank Sharry

What's interesting with Congressman Tancredo is his message hasn't changed a bit. He's saying the same thing he was saying eight years ago. The issue has changed from one of being tangential to one of being mainstream. That's given him credibility.

Fred Elbel

It really is breathtaking how over the top and how much they overreached with that legislation. Tom Tancredo and Jim Sensenbrenner really kicked over a beehive with the legislation.

Douglas Rivlin

These public lands are icons of our natural and cultural history. They belong to us all, and it is not up to congressmen Pombo or Tancredo to offer them to the highest bidder.

Carl Pope