4 quotes about swaths follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Arizona and Mongolia have in common these large swaths of grasslands that are rapidly disappearing due to the same types of threats, like development and mining.

Greg Gamble

We're six months now after the storm, and there are still large swaths of [New Orleans] that look like they did a month after the storm. It's just inexcusable.

Matt Fellowes

[One important question is who would use the technology.] How do we make sure that we get the technology in the hands of the patient for whom it's most valuable? ... The general story for all of these things is they get really expensive when you start doing them for large swaths of the patient population.

Dana Goldman

There are formidable risks in trying to cover this conflict. Large swaths of the country are simply too dangerous to cover.

Joel Campagna