10 quotes about sussex follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

You'll see a dramatic change when you enter Sussex as you drive north on 164.

Michael Knapp

Offers will probably get toward $50 (per share), but probably not much above that. We still haven't heard from Colony or Columbia Sussex.

Smedes Rose

It's pretty gratifying that the children in Sussex County are seemingly well cared for.

Jeff Daly

Olivier in his last years kept all his papers in great big stage hampers in a barn at his country place in Sussex.

Terry Coleman

The prime minister is moving out, of course, and the exact day has yet to be determined, but the prime minister is leaving 24 Sussex because he will no longer be prime minister Monday.

Marc Roy

The Sussex County I grew up in is as foreign as Mongolia, ... the poorest people often lived in the most glorious of places.

Bill Chandler

Sussex Tech high school just agreed to come online.

Annie Norman

In Sussex County, there aren't a whole lot of places to park. You have to find a back road that might not have meters on it or if you find a meter you have to pay.

Jeff Oldham

I think a lot of people are doubting (Milford) after we lost to Sussex Central. Hopefully, Friday will change all that.

Alan Hill

There's the old cliché that we should take it a game at a time, but I prefer to be ultra positive and believe that if we beat Middlesex, Nottinghamshire and Sussex we will bring the championship back to Canterbury.

David Fulton