8 quotes about surmise follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

I won't surmise from that that we've been 100 percent dismissed from the committee, because as soon as I would surmise that, I would misinterpret what someone had said to me. But that's accurate. We will not be involved in any of the meetings.

Gary Link

Since the panel is carrying out its investigation in private, I can only surmise on the strength of each member's credentials, coupled with the university's well-defined policies, that they are doing a very thorough job.

Jane Duffield

That's all I can surmise, as well. But the writer's feelings of guilt cannot be understated.

Murray Klippenstein

What can we surmise about the likelihood of someone's being caring and generous, loving and helpful, just from knowing that they are a believer? Virtually nothing, say psychologists, sociologists, and others who have studied that question for decade.

Alfie Kohn

I surmise there are people in New Orleans who won't be able to get back to their homes for months, if ever.

Michael Brown

Some things are very dear to me --/ Such things as flowers bathed by rain/ Or patterns traced upon the sea/ .../ But dearer far than all surmise/ Are sudden tear-drops in your eyes.

Gwendolyn Bennett

It's one thing to surmise what happened, but we don't speculate on that until ballistics confirms what happened.

John Hansen

I would surmise that the single most common characteristic of learners today is being time-constrained.

Diana Oblinger