5 quotes about surgically follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

There used to be a real me, but I had it surgically removed.

Peter Sellers

Surgically, the failure rate is 2 to 6 percent. The bone is not as dense in all areas of the mouth. Age and health are other factors. Almost always, if an implant fails, another one can be placed.

Dr. Peter Laliberte

It was apparent to me very early on that this was not an accident, ... The files that had been deleted were surgically removed from the database. They specifically were the files the company needed to survive.

William Hoffman

Giving birth entails enabling the mother rather than the persons in attendance to be central to the arrival of her child. Even when the arrival, as is sometimes true, must be effected surgically.

Ruth W. Lubic

I've got a ruptured bicep femoris tendon, which is at the back of the knee and it joins onto the fibula and that's completely detached from the bone, so I'll have that surgically attached on Saturday week, so fingers crossed everything goes right.

Michael Braun