12 quotes about supervising follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Our job is only to take orders from the government and enact them. It will be a strange turn to see people we might have arrested supervising us, but I will continue doing my job.

Col. Adnan Damiri

People in the community are agonizing and asking, 'What could we have done to prevent this?' ... We've been working very hard over the past four to five years liaising with the authorities . . . with various agencies organizing and supervising youth activities. And still this has happened.

Azzam Tamimi

As required by the Ethics and Government Act, and with the authorization of the court supervising independent counsels, the Office of Independent Counsel submitted a referral to the House of Representatives containing substantial and credible information that may constitute grounds for impeachment of the president of the United States.

Charles Bakaly

China will strengthen its clampdown on financial crimes including beefing up supervising and oversight systems and improving its legal system to prevent such violations. China has achieved big improvement on the issue last year.

Liu Mingkang

An important one that comes to mind is the California Scholarship Federation, which requires a lot of bookkeeping and also supervising, as the advisor calculates and administers academic honors and rewards for graduation. I know the work of this club was begun well before it was clear there would be no stipend.

Janet Hansen

It went from his mom supervising him to Jacob forming his own ideas about nutrition.

Lauren Brightwell

(They) render her unqualified to continue supervising the electoral process.

Jacob Kabakole

They ... focused on separating the party completely from the executive. The party will only exercise its political role in supervising and strategizing. It will give guidance only.

Buthaina Shaaban

Violence is learned behavior, ... That's part of the message of the Week Without Violence. It has to do with people not properly raising their kids; not properly supervising them.

William Lawler

The restriction of not living within a certain distance of parks or whatever is really just about a stigma, a perceived need for supervising parolees. It will demonize people on parole and make it impossible for any of us to have a second chance, to re-enter society or lead a normal adult life.

Linda Evans

You need to take the basic, logical steps to protect the computer and also the basic parenting steps of working with your kids and supervising them appropriately.

Laura Yecies

We have been advocating energy saving for years but it has remained only a slogan because of a lack of a supervising system.

Zhang Mao