12 quotes about sufficiency follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

The bottom line is, they are many years away from food self-sufficiency. If they push the public distribution too far, they could easily be looking at another famine.

Peter Beck

We just need a lot of assistance with time, talent and treasure as we elevate the poorest person that needs our help to the point of self-sufficiency. That's our goal, one individual at a time.

Russ Russell

Self sufficiency is an extremely unusual phenomenon nowadays.

Sergio Gabrielli

The nature of the emergency services would indicate there's less screening for emergency than long term self sufficiency.

Barbara Kelly

The exercise of the right inherent in every sovereign state of creating and issuing a sufficiency of money to make financially possible what is physically possible and morally desirable, would enable as much real wealth to be brought into existence as, with its immense inventive and scientific potential, it is capable of making.

Arthur Bryant

These are pathways to self-sufficiency.

Linda Mellowes

As individuals take a step closer to self-sufficiency, having a phone number can be very helpful as a support system.

Alex Tourk

We are moving toward greater self-sufficiency in Wisconsin. As we move toward the end of the decade we will be substantially more competitive.

Gale Klappa

The Windows source code is the ultimate documentation of Windows server technologies. With this step our goal is to resolve all questions about the sufficiency of our technical documentation.

Brad Smith

We need to focus on business opportunities that would lead us to self-sufficiency, specifically in the areas of energy, food, and water resources. We cannot seek to be dependent on others. We need to look for ways we can provide for our people.

Lisa Brown

Because the wireless infrastructure is already in place, it will be easy and affordable to narrow the 'Digital Divide' for our citizens and to use technology as an educational tool to help public housing residents move closer to self-sufficiency.

Lewis Jordan

We will use the Wolff store as a general store. In the spring we will probably offer historical plants especially during the Jonquil Festival. During the fall and at Christmas we will offer cured or smoked meats to play up the rural country self-sufficiency of people.

Ed Talley