5 quotes about sues follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Congress passed a law in civil rights cases ... when a plaintiff sues and prevails, the defendant pays a reasonable fee.

Warren Plowden

He's basically racking up storage fees and then trying to cut a deal with the people he sues. He's hoping that we'll pay him off and try to make the lawsuit go away.

Gregory Adler

When someone sues outside their marriage, it's sometimes a way ... to manipulate public perceptions to try to get somebody to be intimidated into a settlement that you otherwise might not have gotten.

Jacalyn Barnett

I can't say everyone who sues the attorney general doesn't have a legitimate argument, (but) obviously, sometimes it's done as a stalling tactic.

Joel White

I felt like I was in a dream out there. I felt totally surreal - like 'What's going on?' Mary Sue's in and is playing second then the next end she's playing lead so it was just very confusing. I still don't know how we won the game quite frankly.

Colleen Jones